A new way to work remotely
Role: Ux/Ui design
Welcome to a new era of work-life balance

anywell promotes greater employee productivity and wellbeing by enabling companies to offer flexible remote work options.
anywell's comprehensive service includes good wifi, guaranteed seating, nourishing meals in a variety of local locations : from the rooftop at the hip new hotel to the secret booth at the local ramen shop.

What i did for anywell

About the host app

About the host app
Run your sessions efficiently and easily

Anywell hosts faced challenges managing bookings efficiently due to outdated technology, which caused missed or delayed bookings and other setbacks.

In addition, there was no adequate training for the staff that caused poor welcoming of the members.

The host app provides the necessary tools and information for a better booking process, aligning with both business and customer needs.

User research

What are the hosts' pain points?

We interviewed hosts who have been running our service for a while and examined the services they provide closely.

We checked  what their difficulties are, technologies in use , how their work process integrates with anywell service and what are their desires.

Sarah, 45
Owner of Silvana

Booking management is hard with emails

Dan, 30
Manager at 3d space

I can not response in real time and tracking my bookings

Anna, 28
Shift manager at Effy’s kitchen

My staff need more training to welcome the members better



They struggle to track their bookings, leading to issues such as delayed , missed and double bookings


It’s difficult for them to manage the bookings inventory when the information is not organized and concentrated in one place


Managing data in real time is very necessary for them due to working in a dynamic and stressful environment.


They complained about inadequate staff training


Most of them are already using a device to manage their other bookings and aren't interested in adding another.


They’re interested in sharing limited information about the bookings with their staff.

Market research

How to manage and market the booking efficiently and easily

Based on user research and product requirements, I explored competitors' products and parallel markets
who were dealing with the same problems.


Empowering hosts with
visibility and control

Visibility into booking status helps hosts gain a sense of control and manage their inventory of bookings efficiently

How we make it

- Clear overview of the bookings, calendar

- Consistent information

- Clear labeling

- Intuitive navigation

- Progress indicators

- Clear feedback on user actions


Fast process - Increase selling

Saving time to the host and his staff will lead to fast and efficient service that will increase selling, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase revenue.

How we make it

- Real time responding

- Alerts, notes, Push notification

- Limited time booking confirmation (Positive scarcity )

- Quick process with  tracking

- Clear and short content


Transform Location into a Standout Experience

Improving the hospitality experience in the location can have a positive impact on the business, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

How we make it

- Staff training

- Welcome push notification

- Sharing data with the staff


Support the hosts

Supportive help will reduce frictions, solve problems ,improve hosts knowledge and increase their confidence.

How we make it

- Help center

- Product tour

- Alerts, notes

Low fidelity wireframes

Creating an initial product in a short
period of time

Low-fidelity wireframes were critical in our agile work process . I could rapidly deliver  functional designs.
They facilitated quick planning and layout and effective communication  with stakeholders.

The design

About the host app
Work & Life in

During designing the app, it was important to me to adhere to Anywell's brand that convey the message of wellness, vitality, balance and technology - which reflect the hybrid work.

The brand includes a warm color palette and illustrations that I continued to develop in accordance with the design language

Get to know the app

Take a moment and learn how managing booking via anywell host app is so simple and easy:
How to track booking, approve bookings instantly , get session details etc.

About the host app
Approve bookings

Get all the information you need about your booking requests and respond immediately.

Keep track and prepare for upcoming sessions

Be prepared for your upcoming bookings. Observe the foot traffic flow,
Get important info and notes before you welcome each Member.

About the host app
Get documentation of your bookings history

See all the info you need about your history bookings. Track every action that is made through the booking process: confirmation, decline, changes etc.

About the host app
Welcome anywell member on your term

Get flexibility of welcoming members at specific time and day. See all your future bookings in advance and be prepared for.

About the member app

About the host app
Book freely and creatively

anywell member app allows members browse workspace and choose what suits them: whether location vibe, distance to travel, reservation time, access to sunlight, tech or privacy requirements, meal plans and more.

My role was to Improve the existing app that was in a lean and initial version.

In this case study, I will present to you my process of improving the main flow that aims to reveal anywell services and types of locations that the members are not aware or exposed to.

User feedback

Analyzing the feedback we gathered

We asked users for feedback through digital channels and customer support to find out what's working and what's not. Based on their feedback, we resolved to improve the main flow of our app to better meet the needs of our users.



The members are not exposed to all anywell services which can meet their needs.


They would like to find a workspace properly according to their personal preferences.


The service offering is not clarify to the members

Market research

How to reveal anywell services that the members are not aware or exposed to

After we analyzed the users feedback and set objectives, I did market research. I explored competitors' apps and parallel markets. I understood market potential and checked solutions they deliver.


Make the members perceive that the product understands their needs

Revealing the service value according to the user's preferences and needs will create a sticky experience and increase conversions.

How we make it

Customization- Improving filters according the users needs


Personalization- promote locations & plans by personalized categories, addressing users by name


Communicate product changes and updates

Announcing new product changes and updates such as: new workspaces, and new features directly via the app, can help members be updated, control the data and convey that our product is always relevant and enhanced. It will keep the members engaged and sticky to our product

How we make it

- Guidance

- Articles

- Banners

- Categories


Reduce frictions

Communicate the service support to reduce frictions and solve problems

How we make it

- Feedback

- Chat support

- Faqs

The design

About the host app
Work & Life in harmony

My primary UI challenge revolved around enhancing the existing application design.

I aimed to improve consistency, establish a clearer hierarchy, and incorporate illustrations, all while adhering to the brand guidelines.

Discover your hybrid work solution

The new home page design features an intuitive categorization of our services and locations, custom-tailored to meet the unique preferences and requirements of our members, as determined through user's surveys.
The search bar has also been streamlined to a tiny version to keep the emphasis on the content, which showcases the full extent of the value we offer.

Browse workspace oases and choose what suits you

I enhanced the search engine and filtering capabilities in the initial release, which previously had limited options. Now, members can search and filter based on their preferences, including: location atmosphere, travel distance, technology and privacy needs, meal plans, and more.

In addition, I kept the same design in the inner pages and just made a small changes to provide familiarity and a sense of control for the user.

About the host app
Smarter and better experience with our new features and updates!

Members can stay informed and ahead of the curve with the latest developments and updates through the news and updates feature

Working on it

Want to see the whole project?
Let's meet up! 050-711-8530, itsegal@gmail.com

Want to see the whole project?
Let's meet up!
050-711-8530, itsegal@gmail.com

Working on it

Want to see the whole project?
Let's meet up! 050-711-8530, itsegal@gmail.com

Want to see the whole project?
Let's meet up!
050-711-8530, itsegal@gmail.com