Raise your customer service level

Appraiser it’s a mobile app in the field of car appraisals, which aims to improve the work process of the car agents working in the rental companies and thus improve and streamline the service of the rental companies to its customers.

The hackathon

Think, solve, create
and collaborate fast

During the Corona period, I participated in Hackathon on behalf of Create design school.

I was challenged to design in a short time a mobile app and new visual identity for a startup company called Appraiser.

My project partner Stav Ahnin and i,  worked collaboratively during this exciting process:we made a zoom meeting with the initiators, research, brainstorming etc.

Brand identity

Empower the product

When thinking about image of appraiser’s product, I wanted to convey a sense of reliability  and convenience and also to connect to the field of the automotive world.

The Logo

I started out redesigning the logo that was very outdated and cluttered with details.
The main message I wanted to convey is the unique service that the app provides, which bounces the level of the service in the field of car appraisal and leverages it. To convey this message, I played with the words: Appraiser and Raiser.



App icon

- Connotation of rout
- Eye catching element

Color palettes

The main colors I choose to use are soothing green shades, which reflect the value and also connect to the green indicator lights in the car which also transmit positivity.




Main goals


Simple and clean design with happy and calm atmosphere

Since the app is used as the driver's tool , it was important for me to make the interface very clear and simple by using white background , big buttons and large text for good scanning in distance reading .
In order to create a fun and happy atmosphere (because tasks is a bit of a "dry" topic) I added illustrations.


Introducing professional
and reliable company

keep a clear and simple design and also make illustrations that are taken from the automotive world: car's indicator lights that  reflect what the app actually does: gives an indication to the users.

“A goal without a plan it’s just a wish”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Application design

Have a smooth ride

The car agent gets his day route arranged by time schedules and addresses of the cars he needs to report.

Write a Report Properly and Effectively

Quick and clear process of reporting new events.
The report will contain all the necessary details for documentation:
photos, Signatures, car’s details etc.

Well there you have it,
case closed!

Only 3 steps of confirmation the report's details and you are done!