The proper place to share & consult with other cannabis Patients

In the current situation, there is no legalisation in Israel and there is a severe cannabis shortage, the patients don't receive proper and supportive care which causes to damage their health, frustrations and helplessness.

GreenWay aims to improve the situation within the existing limitations by creating
a supportive community of patients who share their knowledge, advise and help each other.

User research

Understanding the patients needs

In order to know the difficulties of the patients and the extent of the problem, I interviewed a wide range of patients: patients suffering from different diseases at different ages and parents of sick children.  






are supported in online groups, that are not focused on one strain or disease

have difficulty obtaining reliable information across the network

have difficulty finding their strains in case of shortage

complained about poor guidance at the beginning
of their journey


are supported in online groups, that are not focused on one strain or disease


have difficulty obtaining reliable information across the network


are supported in online groups, that are not focused on one strain or disease

Market research

How to make good support and proper care for cannabis users?

After I dived deep into my user journey to understand who they are and what their problems and needs, I made a competitor and market research. I checked many group support around the net, websites, apps and forums.


Make the users feel a sense of belonging

Customizing the information for the user's needs will increase  his sense of belonging and his loyalty to the product

How we make it
  • Guiding questions on onboarding

  • Filtering options in Strain search


Straight to the point

Greater user engagement by quick access to relevant content

How we make it
  • Groups sorted by diseases, strains and Post topics (tags)

  • Using navigation, maps

  • Customized search engine


Gain the user trust

Build user confidence with trusted content

How we make it
  • Groups hierarchy

  • Relevant information about members

  • Pharma reviews

  • Member's strain reports


Gain user engagement

Make the user express their feelings, thoughts and knowledge

How we make it
  • Sharing and consulting in appropriate groups

  • Report of a cannabis strain found by friends

  • Pharma reviews

Information Architecture

Helping my users understand their surroundings

Mapping out the user flow based on my features narrative of my personas.


Define and plan the information hierarchy of my product

After sketching wireframes on papers,  i started to illustrate my plans and layout in Axure.


A short welcome and gathering information for customization

The user start in a short Onboarding that aims to convey the message of Sharing, consulting and mutual benefit and also to gather information from the user in order to customize relevant content.


Get support and help other members in relevant groups

Right after onboarding process,  the user gets to his group's feed and sees all the relevant posts.

here he can share, consult, respond, follow and send “answer request” to other members.


Get background on other users: experience using cannabis, strain used..

The user can receive important information about other member:
strains he used, time period of cannabis use , posts and comments.


Find your strain faster by targeted search

The user can add filters and precise his search by selecting a display of several strains and way of use.
He can also receive notifications based on his filters.


Cannabis for Beginners.
Here's Where You Start

Learn about different type of strains, their effects and other basic information that will help you to start out.

Pharmacy page

Get all the information you need to know about the pharmacy

basic info, navigation, reviews and last reports of your strain at this pharmacy.

The design

Embracing all your feelings

In my design i wanted to replace the patient's feeling of frustration and helplessness with hope and reliability.  
Therefore, my goal was to design a non-threatening app with clean style and warm palette colors.

The illustrations i made  convey the message
of support, consult, sharing and mutual benefit.

The Logo

In the logo I wanted to convey the message of the good way we will lead the user in receiving proper natural treatment.


In order to make a non-threatening app and calm atmosphere, I choose to use warm palette colors.
The  green and the light brown reflect  the weed colors.
The pink for empathy , sensitivity and caring.

Get support and help other members in relevant groups

Right after onboarding process,  the user gets to his group's feed and sees all the relevant posts.
here he can share, consult, respond, follow and send “answer request” to other members.

Helping each other finding strains at pharmacies

Search and share a strain you found in pharmacies and save valuable time.
It’s all customized for you by: strain, nearby location and last reports.